They say, if you assess a fish by its ability to climb a tree, the fish will spend its entire life thinking that it is a failure.
Not true.
If you get a fish to climb a tree, the fish will realise that it is not cut out to climb trees. The fish becomes humbled by its inability to climb trees, and will seek to go back to the ocean. And learns to gather seaweed instead.
On the other hand, those who can climb trees will climb high enough till they can gather fruits for everyone on the ground.
The problem therefore, is not the system that tests your tree climbing ability. The problem is about fish not wanting to gather seaweed. The problem is about fish wanting to take the place of those who can climb trees. That is the problem.

So why get married? For love? For love, two persons can just spend lots of time together, so why bother throwing an expensive wedding, sharing a 20 year home mortgage and putting oneself through the complications of bearing and raising a family?

Because while love is good, division of wealth and...

I have seen many a downfall of families. We know of many reasons for this but here's a less discussed one - the vindictive son-in-law.

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When I was younger, I used to pray fervently to the Gods of Important Things. Gods of Important Things, in my view, are the big guys who take care of things like birth and death, family, health, exam grades and careers. I remember very well my moments of deep prayer - standing in front of the altar...