Men by definition are those who can defend their family, their community, their faith and their country. Women by definition are those who stay faithful to their men in their men's quest to defend the above.

So technically, if an Earthling girl marries a Martian boy, she will be pledging her allia...

So let's discuss blame. More specifically the blame on the education system. Because that's the way public sentiment is headed these days. Unemployment. Blame the education system. Exports still commodity-based. Blame the education system. Obesity. Blame the education system. Poverty. Blame the educ...

Hi guys - have your ever found yourself at a funeral of a relative and you not having visited the person even once in the last umpteen years?

Well, I had the privilege of finding myself in this situation a couple of days back. Second time this year. It did feel awkward and weird so I did some thin...

Live and let live.

Anyone active on social media would have had a few encounters with haters. Haters I feel is a term so aptly coined in this era to identify people who provide no positive experience for people in their circle/friend list but are able to spurt out random hostilities and project th...

Phone makers are driving Mobile Operators' new services, and that is certainly the case for VoLTE and WiFi Calling. The increasing number of smartphones featuring VoLTE and WiFi Calling capabilities, according to Strategy Analytics Wireless Operator Strategies service report, has become a major forc...

English is not the reason why young graduates cannot find jobs. It's not like the rest of the working population are writing and communicating in impeccable English. 99% of Malaysians who mock others for not 'knowing' English write like this:

  • "He only tell me he applied for the job"
  • "If Englis...

Smartphones have become omnipresent. Mobile Internet has become pervasive through cities, towns and villages. People catch up on their favorite TV shows while travelling, while waiting at the post office and while taking a stroll in the park. Mobile data has become the world’s most transacted commod...

The way women dress and sexual crimes against women. Can women dress however they want? My take.

The zebra crossing has the pedestrian green light on, indicating it's safe to cross yet EVERY one of us will still look right and left, sometimes repeatedly, before crossing because we know as much as...

If you are the mathematically inclined type and thrive on learning processes that are intellectually challenging, I would say go for CFA. The rigour is second to none, and it's one of the most reputable post-degree qualifications there is.

You have heard of accountancy, and you have heard of finan...

In any part of the world, public service is defined by its highly standardised and rigid service structures, processes and hierarchies. People see the public services as highly bureaucratic while its employees, the public servants, see them as a set of strict process chains that they have to adhere...

The British rule that started descending on Andhra’s many regions from 1765 become more pronounced in the early 19th century. With the new rule came new policies that saw the regulation of a number of economic sectors, namely agriculture and manufacturing. As agriculture and post-harvest processing...

The focus on service innovation is intensifying among Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), and interestingly, for the first time, the push to find the next big thing to sell is being driven largely by competition from players outside the industry. Cable operators peddling data services, airlines providi...

Communities in Andhra Pradesh, just like in any other state in India, were organized along the lines of job specialization. Specialization helps more evolved economies to improve productivity, create surpluses and promote trade. Yes, specialization is not a new phenomenon. Many traditional economies...

There are almost 500,000 Telugus in Malaysia. Another 1 million in the United States, around 300,000 in Myanmar, 500,000 in the Gulf countries, 150,000 in Canada, 130,440 in Europe, 120,000 in Fiji, 100,000 in Singapore, 100,000 in Australia, 80,000 in South Africa and 50,000 in Mauritius. These mak...

Unless your learning rates (at 40 and beyond) are phenomenal, chances are you will feel like a fossil piece when you emerge out of your secure zone.

When it comes to MARKETING their CVs, people would rather sell big on those 4 assignments done in the last 2 years than the 30 assignments delivered...

Conventional hiring does not always work….why?

Do people with good grades make good workers? Do people who score high in IQ contribute more to your business? Who is more suited to your environment – the disciplined Gee or the loud opinionated Bob or the IT geek Hans? How does internal culture dete...

''Today, we don’t sell ‘things and services’ anymore. We sell experience and people are paying for experience.''

People spend 70 dollars for a dinner for two – pan fried dory with potato chips and lobster cream sauce – in an upscale restaurant on the high street. Why do people spend that much when...

Economic growth creates ample opportunities for entrepreneurs. With increased demand across key sectors and its domino effect into every small subsector, anyone with good ideas and the ability to organize a ‘production’ that yields surplus (after paying off the supply factors) can become an entrepre...

Flexible working. Alternative working arrangement. Mobile working. Telework. Whatever term we use, it means the same. It means you no longer sit in 9"x 6” cubicle 9am to 5am every single working day, every day of your working life. It means you can choose to work elsewhere. You can choose the way yo...

The repository of expertise that resides in the public service forms the backbone of its capability and capacity to govern. The traditional experts were the officers who learn the policies, strategies, rules and regulations and who apply them to their day-to-day administrative areas – be it for proc...